Sunday, May 4, 2014

Random Post-Marathon Thoughts

What does a runner do when she can't run?    She thinks about running, of course!

So, here are five random Sunday afternoon thoughts from this mother runner:

1. When I know that friends are out on a run at o'dark-thirty,  my brain automatically wakes me up.  I am now unable to sleep past 4:30 AM on Wednesdays; it's hill repeat day, after all!

2. My body doesn't know that I'm not training for a marathon anymore, and it still wants to eat like I am.  I love food!

3. If friends are racing 6 days after my big race, I will be jealous and wish that I could be racing,  even though my muscles are still protesting.

 4. Running > swimming, reason #212: I get to the pool today and am told the open lap swim doesn't start for 2 hours.   Then I get back home and check and find out it actually was supposed to start at the time I'd thought.  No one tells me when I can or cannot start a run.

5. Retelling the story of my first marathon never,  ever gets old.  Thank goodness my friends don't mind!

I worked on my running plans for the next 5+ months, and I am so excited to start up again.   It's been hard not to just go or and run this week!   I know that recovery is really important, though.  I did an easy 4 miles on Friday (5 days post-race), and 4 more the next day.   My right lower leg wasn't exactly pleased with the return to running, but everything else felt great.  I'll take it easy this week, too.  I felt awesome on my first swim in almost 2 years this morning!   Only 2000 yards, but I could've done twice that had I had more time.  I think marathon training has really improved my cardiovascular fitness level.  I signed up for the swimming for fitness class that I mentioned in my last blog,  and I'm actually excited to start that,  now that I know I can still swim.  It doesn't start till June, though, so I'll be on my own for this month.

So... in a nutshell, life post-marathon is good.  Better than good, actually... I've got a 26.2 sticker on my car!