Getting out at 6 AM for a run was about as fun as it typically is (not so much), but I was greeted with an amazingly cool July morning (63 degrees, and only 77% humidity), which made things that much better. The first mile was slower than I'd planned, but I figured that didn't matter on a run where going slow at first can only help you in the long run. I was able to pick it up without feeling too much fatigue for the final two miles. I had a new running playlist that I made last night to use today, and when I hit mile 4, an old favorite from my high school years (All 4 Love, by Color Me Badd) came on. I *loved* that song, and it totally pumped me up for the next half-mile or so.
Here were my splits:
Couldn't have done much better than that, I suppose! Best of all, I wasn't dying from heat or the inability to breathe.
I have been feeling pretty run down this week. Not sure why. My legs were really feeling fatigued this morning, but I do feel better after relaxing on the couch with last night's episode of Dance Moms on the TV during the twins' nap today. Planning on hitting the sack relatively early tonight... hopefully by 10:00! Fingers crossed Hunter doesn't have another 4 AM wake-up call up his sleeve...
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