I know I am overthinking things. I get it, I do... but that doesn't make it any easier to do the tempo runs. Today's run was a 5 mile tempo run, where the first mile was a warm-up, and then 3 miles at tempo pace before a 1 mile cool-down. The plan I am using actually called for a quarter-mile "recovery jog" between each mile at tempo pace, but for me, once I am at that pace, it doesn't help me to slow down... quite the opposite, I have a lot of trouble getting back up to speed again. So I skipped on the jogging and just did the 3 miles straight.
Here were my splits:
I knew from the start that today wasn't going to be my day when it came to running. I rolled out of bed and just wasn't feeling it at all. Once I finally got out the door, it was drizzling outside... no big deal, really. I took the first mile relatively easy. It always feels weird to me, the first half-mile or so of a run... like I don't really know how to run. Anyway, the kinks got worked out, but I just felt tired. Not sleepy; more like, my body was tired. I knew it was going to be so hard to hit an 8:30 pace on mile #2. Actually, when I looked at the graph of my run, I was fairly close to hitting around 8:30ish on mile 2 for the final half- to three-fourths of that mile. It was the first quarter or so that I was just too slow. Mile #3 was a bit better, and of course mile #4 was the best because I knew I was almost done! Still not anywhere close to my "new" tempo pace, though. This is how I felt after my run:
I have a huge tongue LOL!
As I ran, I told myself it was okay that I wasn't hitting my tempo pace today, that it was more about the effort. I have read that exact thing--that tempo should be more about the effort than the precise numbers. I just have trouble letting the numbers go (as a math teacher, that's not surprising!).
One other annoying thing: my left foot fell asleep today at around mile #3. I hate when it does that! I had been doing some intense masssage on the trigger points in my feet, as recommended to me by a PT who has a FB page where he gives out advice to runners. That actually seemed to do the trick, but I stopped, and I need to get back to doing it. I took a nice ice bath after today's run, and foam rolled as well. Feeling okay today, leg-wise. Just TIRED! Grateful for another rest day tomorrow.